Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Going the right way

I'm absolutely floored with how well this round is going. MUCH better results than the first time. And despite still attacking the hell out of chocolate each day, I'm losing at a considerable amount. With as much chocolate I kept shoving in my mouth yesterday, I was not expecting much of a loss, if any at all. So I stepped up on the scale, and before me flashed:

3/19 - 222.8 (Core Day 5)

Uh, yeah. So now I'm at a lower weight than when I was on the drops the first time; or the same weight if you consider the loss I had after the most painful poop of my life. And I still have at least another two or three weeks to go. It almost looks like I might actually be able to achieve being 200 (or damn well close) by my birthday. The amount of excitement pumping through my veins cannot be expressed through words. Hell, to see my weight be in the 210s is going to be a super happy day. I haven't seen anything below 220 since I was 20 or 21. I got sick a couple years ago and saw something like 220.2 because I hadn't eaten or drank anything for two days when my weight was stable at 225.

Whatever I'm doing this time is definitely something right. I had cabbage last night with dinner, so I know that's a safe vegetable. This round has been my attempt to experiment with more than the handful of veggies that are allowed based on the original protocol. The zucchini and cabbage are clearly proving to not be a problem.

I'm really excited. This is just... a much more awesome experience despite the increase in cravings from last time.

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