Monday, April 25, 2011

Still going down

Been a few days since I've posted. I didn't get a chance to weigh at all over the weekend as I made a last minute trip down to Phoenix on Friday to see my parents for a little bit and flew back Sunday morning. We went for a hike on Saturday and walked around a lot a majority of the day, so I got in some exercise that way. I do like Arizona and keep muttering to myself that I could live there some day, if I had to. Though I know I'd miss having the Pacific and the sound right at my doorstep.

Anyway, this morning's weight:
4/25 - 217.3

I'm actually surprised that it was that. On Friday I came in at 219.9 which was fine. Just a half pound from the day prior. Saturday night I ended up eating a bag of Swedish Fish mostly in my sleep. I was half awake and I kept reaching for them and eating them. I hadn't eaten nearly enough on Friday or Saturday, so I was just flat out hungry. Then yesterday, I went with a couple friends to help out at a local men's shelter, and I ended up eating a few bites of croissant, cupcake, danish, and monkey bread. I know I'm pretty dehydrated from being in Phoenix, so I've been spending today rehydrating and hopefully everything will work out in a couple days. I'm really hoping I don't have a gain tomorrow, but I am peeing enough to make it balance out. And I've eaten 100% on target today. I might end up low on my calories again, though. I'm working late and won't get home until about 10 pm, and I don't know what my motivation to cook will be. I need to cook the steaks that are still in my fridge, but again... 10 pm, and I have to be at work at 7 am the next day, I just don't think it will happen. But, we'll see. I am going to stop at the grocery store on my way home from work and get some tomatoes and maybe grab some deli meat so that I have something to eat tomorrow. I dunno. We'll see.

My clothes fit so loose now, too. It's awesome. I'm excited to see how they're going to fit when I hit 210. I keep wanting to post something on Facebook because I've now hit the 40 lb mark of how much weight I've lost since my known peak (I think it was a few pounds higher, but I refused to step on a scale for a few days when I ballooned up and out of control), but I still kind of want to hold off just a little bit longer. Either the 50 lb loss mark or when I get under 200. I can't believe that's only 17 pounds away, finally. I hate that I'm relying on this program for quick and easy weight loss, but it seriously works. And it's easy to keep the weight off. It's just... amazing. And I love it. And I hope that nothing happens any time soon to suddenly make it unavailable for people to get access to. Perhaps I should order some extra just in case something does happen...

But then, that's the easy way out instead of just being more active. Plus, I need to get going on marathon training and that $800 bicycle that's just chilling in my living room waiting to be used. Heh...

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