Saturday, April 16, 2011

Phase 1 to Phase 2 transition

I was carrying some serious water weight thanks to my period just before starting this round again. Totally crazy.

So I started loading on Wednesday, Friday (yesterday) was my first core day. Weight recap is going to look like this:
4/13 - 228.1 (load day 1)
4/14 - 229.7 (load day 2)
4/15 - 231.6 (core day 1)
4/16 - 228.8 (core day 2)

And example of the water weight that a menstrual cycle will make you hold? I weighed in on 4/15 at the 231.6 at 6 am. By the time I got home around 5 pm, and drank over 120 oz of water through the course of the day, and I was 230.7.

This morning I had a weird, almost thermogenic response. A friend came over to borrow my camera body and flash for a couple shoots he's doing today, and my place was absolutely trashed. He saw that, and after he left, I went into massive, massive cleaning mode. Now all the laundry is put away, my curtains have been hung back up, boxes broken down and things put in plastic totes I bought months ago to put things away. It's almost like I'm settling in or something. Anyway, doesn't matter. My place is mostly clean. Things have been hung back up that fell down ages ago. It feels better overall.

And with three pounds off overnight, it's really helping the motivation to keep up with this this time for another three weeks. It will go by before I know it and I'll be able to incorporate real foods again. :)

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