Thursday, April 21, 2011

Still on a strong streak

I seriously cannot believe how well this is going this time!!

4/20 - 221.3
4/21 - 220.3 (debatable cause I stepped of the scale and back on and got 219.9)

When I did that second weight, I was like like...zomg. I haven't seen a 1 in the second digit in... I have no idea how long. I have no idea what's making everything really, really work this time, either. But it is. And I'm elated!!

I can also fit into my old 38D bras now, too. My breasts are a big too big for them, but that's okay. It's inevitable (hopefully) that they'll shrink some day. Though from 40 lbs ago at my peak weight, they're still the same size. Cup size goes up when the band size goes down if the breasts don't shrink. But I still don't really care that much. Cause like... all these clothes I've had around and been saying "Oh, one day..." and never getting rid of them are slowly but surely starting to be worn.

Really, it looks like my goal might just be reachable by my birthday. I've got two and a half more weeks. And that's if I can keep up this 1+ lb per day loss. I'm not convinced it'll continue all the way through and at some point things will slow down, but for now... I don't challenge that. As long as I'm drinking tons of fluids (in excess of 100oz per day) I seem to get those larger numbers.

Still haven't really exercised except for brief walks here and there. I'm not quite as dizzy as I was the first round either. I had a little dizziness yesterday afternoon, but that was about it.

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