Sunday, March 20, 2011

My first gain... and an allergy discussion

Today was the first day the scale went up in this experience. Well, aside from the load days.

Yesterday it was 223.7, this morning it was 224.4. It could be one of two things: I had a diet cherry 7-Up because I was dying for something cold (the water from the tap was luke warm at it's coldest and it wasn't getting rid of the feeling in my throat) or it was the soy latte in addition to two meals and one apple. It is possible I'm actually retaining water for once because I do feel extremely swollen and lethargic today.

Then today, I've done nothing but nibble on things I've sealed up that I've been wanting. Partly because I'm getting really kind of sick of not eating anything but chicken and broccoli or lettuce. And apples. I've had a couple apples, some chocolate, some swedish fish, and a couple pistachios. So I really have no idea what to expect tomorrow. I just miss flavors. I'm craving lamb curry like crazy.

With those cravings, I've contemplated ending this round earlier than I anticipated. I've hit 23 days now and I've lost over 15 pounds which is more than I could have ever expected from something. I would still like to see 215 before I stop, so we'll see how the next couple days go. I'm going to cook some chicken in a reduced orange sauce tonight and see if that helps me tolerate this a bit longer. I'm really only halfway through if I go the whole term, so again... we'll see. I'm also looking forward to being able to eat again and get going on my goal for my 30th birthday. I can't get back into running without taking in more calories. Playing with my friend's toddler yesterday wore me out very, very quickly. Once I'm done I'm going to resume a 1400-1600 calorie diet and see what happens. I really can't wait to have some fruit and eggs for breakfast again. Or lemon soy yogurt.

Oh, I almost completely forgot. Since this diet has kept me 100% away from dairy all the time, my allergies don't exist. I've noticed this the last several months once I decided to stop eating dairy and not even sneak a bit of cheese just because the amount of pain my body experiences when I eat it just kills me. And it might kill me because when I do have dairy, it's a complete food allergy reaction where my heart rate increases, my throat gets swollen and itchy... that kind of stuff, despite how much I love diary. Anyway, now that it's spring and all the trees are pollinating, this has always been the worst time for my allergies. And you know what? I have not taken allergy medication since November. And I haven't been snotty or having problems breathing, or anything that resembles a pollen/pet dander allergy. How absolutely crazy is that? It makes me wonder if more people cut dairy out of the lives, if it would help. I know a lot of people have dairy and wheat allergies, but because they've eaten it all their lives, they don't recognize the symptoms.

I still could go for a pizza and a cheeseburger, though. Mmmm...

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