Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stabilizing and maintaining

The last week has actually gone very well. This morning I weighed in at 224.7 and this evening, about half an hour ago, I already weighed in at 224.2. So I'll be in the 223's at least by the time I get up.

Being able to eat real food again has been a blessing. I've been having a lemon soy yogurt with a hemp and flax granola for lunch every day. My calories the last couple of days have been below 1000, but I'm just not hungry. So it's okay. I'm trying to find the balance between what I can eat and what my body will allow me to eat without much consequence. Yesterday, I also had a ginormous 12 oz steak and a tomato (the recommended protocol if you've seen an increase of weight of more than 2 lbs since stopping the drops) and it definitely worked. Although, I had a horrible, violent reaction to something last night that caused my intestines to clear out. It felt like it was going to be food poisoning (you know, where it's coming out both ends at the same time?) but luckily after a half hour of switching from sitting on the pot because I felt like I was going to have an ass-plosion and laying on the floor because I was near fainting and didn't want to hit my head on anything if I did (my blood pressure had to be through the roof), it subsided and I was able to crawl back in bed without incident. So that all happened around 11:45 pm. I was awake until well after 2 am trying to fall back asleep. My insomnia gets the best of me sometimes. It's a real pain. Just like now, it's 11 pm and I'm pretty alert and awake.

Isaac is ahead of me on the weight loss. I was about 5 lbs ahead of him the whole time, but now he's dropped down to 216 after four days of plateauing. He decided to prep his food different and use different vegetables, and it seemed to get him going again on the weight loss. So that's good for him. His belly is definitely going away. I wish mine would. *sigh*

Next week (or this weekend) I'm going to be starting my marathon training. I want to give myself about a year, but I think I have to pick a marathon to do so that I can go backwards in the training schedule and see when I should start the increase in miles. It starts off at 15 miles per week and gradually increases to where your one long run of the week is 18 miles for two weeks before backing off the two weeks prior to the marathon. So that's where the back peddling comes in.

Anyway, I'm going to go curl up on the couch and try to get tired. One thing that has been a tremendous help the last couple days is the little arm BioMedia Fit thingie that I bought a few months ago. While it doesn't track your heart rate, it does calculate your perceived exertion by measuring your body temp and moisture from the skin. Plus it has an accelerometer to measure movement and how many steps you're taking, blah blah blah. It's the same thing that they use on The Biggest Loser (the BodyBugg), just called something different. Same manufacture, I found out. Just 24-Hour Fitness seems to have it's claim on the BodyBugg (and a huge price increase because of the branding) and BodyMedia is much cheaper and there's a steep discount on Costco to buy the unit and you get 12 months of the subscription service included for like $160. The price seems to fluctuate throughout the month, but I highly recommend it. I'll write more about it in my next posting because there are some cautions I'd advise if you do purchase one.

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