Thursday, March 10, 2011

Plateaued a little...

Let's see, the last entry was on the 6th? So that was Sunday, I believe?

Sunday I weighed in at 230.2. I hung out with my friend after going to work for a little bit and he wanted to make a compliant meal for him and myself since he's doing the diet at the same time with me. Well, okay. We pick up a steak and some asparagus. We went by the weight on the package for the steak which was .55 lbs (so a little more than 4 oz split evenly). Well, once it was on my plate, it looked like a lot more than it was. Going against my gut, I ate it anyway. I hadn't eaten much of anything the rest of the day and was famished, so I figured it would be okay.

Nope!! The next day, Monday, I was EXACTLY the same weight. 230.2. Hmph.

So I follow the diet on target, Tuesday I came in at 229.8. HMPH!!!

Wednesday, 229.2. ARGH!! Although now that I've looked back on it, that was a .5 lb loss. But counting it from Sunday, it was only a pound. I wasn't happy. And I figured that was all poop anyway cause it was the first bowel movement I'd had since last Thursday.

With that frustration Wednesday morning, I decided it was going to be an Apple Day. I ended up only eating four apples instead of six, but it seems to have done the job. I weighed in this morning at 228.3 and feel okay about it.

But then I get discouraged again. If we take my true starting weight from Day 1, I'm down 8 pounds over two weeks. And really, I'm only down 11 pounds if you count the bloat I had from eating on the gorge days. I really wanted to hit 225 by this Friday, but that's obviously not going to happen unless a miracle comes shining down on me in the middle of the night.

However, I've got to say, I'm still happy about where I'm at now. It's getting me back down where I know I need to be. My 228 puts me back at my original goal loss of 25 lbs from my peak weight. And generally speaking, this has been a much easier process, with a few struggles here and there, than I could ever have imagined. I'm looking forward to being done with this round and getting active again. Just blow drying my hair yesterday made my arms fatigued all day. I'm going to go ahead and start doing some light strength moves to keep my muscles from getting too atrophied. Hopefully it'll help rev my metabolism just a hair to keep seeing at least a .5 lb loss per day. I know the numbers will add up. I'm still not halfway through the bottle, so there's plenty of time to keep going. And I'm still anxiously awaiting to see if my period is going to show up this month or not.

The food cravings are still there, though they're easier to fight. A slice of cheese pizza from Costco still sounds amazing, as well as a huge burger, chinese take out, sushi, McDonald's (as bad as it is nutritionally and animal ethics), french toast, eggs and bacon, ice cream, Jimmy John's... all of it. Hell, even cereal!! I can't wait to incorporate that back into my diet. In moderation, of course. Small sizes and once a week will probably be the theme. I'm getting very use to the portion sizes, which is awesome. I'm becoming full on the dismal amount of meat and vegetable I'm eating for my meals.

Measurements are up for tomorrow. I'll be posting again then to see if anything has changed. With last week's measurements, I started thinking that I may have been sucking in on the original starting base measurements and that's why I didn't see any change. They always tell you to suck in, and I should have remembered I did that, but oh well.

I still feel really good and clear headed. So I'm in a happy place. I've decided that if I can get to 215 lbs by the time this is over, I will be quite pleased. Then I'll go on to the stabilization and maintenance phases for six weeks and try to lose a little more weight through diet and exercise. If I'm still struggling after 6-8 weeks of not being on HCG, then I'll probably start a second round. If the weight is coming off at 2 lbs a week, then I will probably hold off on it.

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