Sunday, March 6, 2011

Trudging along

Today was a struggle again. Oh crap, I just realized I forgot my drops in the car. Crap. Whatever. Anyway. I don't know if it was just my timing, or what's going on, but I was just hungry. Well, I take that back. I hadn't eaten hardly anything most of the day so I was having a serious blood sugar crash around 5 pm. All shaky and what-not.

This entry is going to be brief. I'm just exhausted and sleepy. Went to work for a little bit this afternoon to help my boss get caught up. In the past, we've always closed the month prior by the fifth of the next month (so February should be done by March 5). But she hasn't even started February, so I decided to help out a bit. It's hard being spread out in different offices and still trying to communicate with each other effectively.

Anyway, scale said 230.2 this morning. I was hoping for a high 229, but I can't cry over that. It's either a 1.3 lb loss or a .7 lb loss, depending on which figure you use from the day before. I officially wrote down the 231.5 in my log, and scribbled the 230.9 next to it as a note for myself that a half hour later, that's what I weighed.

Did have a little steak tonight. That was a nice break. Isaac cooked for me, so a break from poached chicken and a handful of tomatoes was a welcomed change. I might have to go buy more steak. I hate not being able to do vegan on this, but oh well. Just be conscious of where my meat is coming from and it'll be okay, right? Right.

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