Sunday, March 13, 2011

New recipe that was omnom-licious

A few days ago, my friend Isaac told me about how some people are crushing up the melba toast and using it as a breading for the chicken to give it some variety. I still had a ton of the plain, whole wheat melba toast that I haven't bothered to eat (it tastes like cardboard, literally) so I decided to hell with it and gave it a shot today, mixing it in with some of the Tony's Creole seasoning that is just amazing on almost anything.

Oh. My. God.

IT WAS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!! It satisfied that chicken nugget craving I've been having since before the binge days (that second binge day, I just was not hungry at all so I didn't get to eat a lot of foods that I wish I would have eaten) and made my tummy super, super happy. It will probably be what I do the remainder on the protocol. I want to go in the fridge and eat the other three servings I cooked at the same time. As far as what I did, I just breaded them and let the breading stick with the stickiness of the chicken breast, stuck it in the oven at 350 for 35 minutes and it was done. I'd probably do it for 25-30 minutes next time, depending on how big the pieces are that you cut them up into. Man that was good. Omnomnomnom.

Today was the last day of Girl Scout cookie sales, so I bought three boxes this morning. While at Cambria's yesterday, I was ravenous (she got the kids McD's for breakfast and for lunch) so I had five fries, a Starburst, and then saw the cookies and had one. She just had the Sanoma's, but again, really low blood sugar, just needed to get something in me. I had no idea those things were just large macaroons. I LOVE macaroons. So I bought two boxes of those and a box of Thin Mints for when I'm done. Omnomnomnomnom.

Today also marked the start of my period. So now I'm at this point where, do I stop the drops for a few days like Dr. Simeon's protocol says? Keeping in mind, his protocol is for injections. A lot of people are reporting that on the homeopathic drops, they're not having an increased flow or cramps, or they're at least tolerable while on their period. Sooooooo... I dunno. I'm pretty hungry now, but that's cause all I've had today was two apples and a serving of chicken.

This morning I weighed in at 226.4. Pretty close to hitting a 225 on Monday. I took some vitamins to help compensate for the lack of food for the last couple days and hoping that my .5lb/day+ loss will continue to let me see that number I want to see. I'm also hoping that with my period finally showing up, I'll resume a higher weight loss than the slowish stuff I've been seeing. I've been reading some people's comments and they're daily tracking and some people that are in the mid-100s have been able to lose like 5 lbs in one day. WTF? Where's MY 5lb drop in one day? *pouts*

Oh, yesterday I also ended up going for a very, very long walk with Cambria's husband and two kids. It wasn't suppose to be a long one, but it turned into three-ish miles. But that's okay. It either helped or hindered the .8 lbs I saw from yesterday morning to this morning. Wait, I need to make a clarification. 3 miles being a very, very long walk as in the walk we were SUPPOSE to do was .6 miles. I had no energy that day (no food) and it was my first physical exertion since being on the diet. It was hard. Typically three miles is easy-peasy for me as I've done plenty of 5K's and can't wait to get back into jogging. I also have a goal of doing a marathon either on, before, or just after my 30th birthday. (It won't be ON the day cause it's on a Wednesday or something this year.) The longest hike I've done is 11 miles, so again, to me at least, 3 miles ain't nothing on a normal day.

I've got a few pounds of strawberries and the chicken and some lettuce to get me through the next couple of days. Plus apples. I also bought an orange to try and make an orange reduction with the chicken (or an orange glaze of some sort) this week. I'll have to wing it, but I'm sure it'll be a nice change of pace than the poached chicken with Tony's seasoning I've been eating the last two weeks. :)

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