Saturday, March 5, 2011

Soooo hungry today...

Well, it's more like the last hour I've been letting my food cravings get into my brain. I somehow survived going to Johnny Rocket's this afternoon with only getting an iced tea. The sandwich my friend was consuming looked so delicious. Bacon, bbq sauce, melted cheese, onion rings, and chicken on toasted bread. Oooohhhh my god it looked so good. At that point, I was still good. But right now, all I want is... everything.

Anyway, weighed in at 230.9 this morning. Talking to Isaac a few hours ago, he feels like he's stalled out and was only down .2 lbs this morning. I'll admit, I did first weigh myself at 231.5, and then a half hour later I hopped on the scale again once I was up for awhile and functioning, like I normally do during the week. I don't really care. It's still going down. I should be in the 220s by Monday, and I'm pretty sure the weight loss will start to slow down after Monday.

A lot of my food struggle today is that PMS food craving that I always get. It starts about 10 days before my period. Whether I actually get a period this month or not is yet to be determined. While my cycle has never been all that regular (as a teen it was every six weeks), the last few months while being on the cabergoline for the brain tumor it has become more regular on its own. Eating only 500 calories a day, I feel like this might hinder the biological process because you are functioning on so little food. However, the theory is that the HCG is suppose to teach your body to use the fat that you've been storing for all these years for fuel and quit using the food which is the easiest source.

My non-scale victory? I noticed this yesterday, but noticed it moreso today. While my measuring was lame, my boobs now stick out further than my belly again. And while walking around U-Village with Cambria this afternoon, I wasn't feeling the friction of my middle roll on my shirt. Cause the shirt wasn't even touching the roll!! SQUEE!!! And I feel really great overall today. I have energy, I don't feel tired, I do have cottonmouth for some reason, so I've upped my fluid intake a lot. I think I'm going to skip dinner tonight, mostly because I don't have any unthawed food and it will take too long to wait for that to thaw out. I'll probably cut up a cucumber and call it good. If that. I dunno. I'm still absolutely floored with feeling so good on so little food.

It's still hard. I'm craving the hell out of a milkshake, ice cream brownie sundae, chicken nuggets, burgers, ribs, fries... all of it. In a month I'll be able to eat it again, but in extreme moderation. I'm excited to move forward and figure out what my diet and exercise will need to be in order to maintain whatever I end up losing.

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